Hey all,
In the last podcast I wrapped up some thoughts on the meta and where it is going. I think the we need to start looking to a new concept that has emerged as dominate in the game. That concept is fill in customization. We are using resources and relics in the similar way that feats were used in the past. The big picture that is emerging is that most figures that are being designed need assistance. Game design is making it clear that resource dials are that assistance.
Take Melter from IIM set. He has side step, no willpower, psiblast, cheap costed, and decent range. Nul's hammer makes Meter strong. Without that hammer he is a C+ level figure. At the same time we are paying C+ level figure cost. I think that we will see the rises of C+ figures to the A rank with the uses of resources. The problem is that once you decided to lock in on this resource modification source you need to make sure the rest of your team can benefit as well. If you have one figure on the team out of sync with the resource dial you will have problems.
To a point this means that flexibility will be limited when it comes to team building. But you should have more flexibility in dealing with your opponent.
Thanks for Reading,
Edward Shelton, aka Darklogos