Here is my team.
Wolverine Agent of Hydra
Phantom Girl
Welcome to the Legion Cosmic Boy
Parallax possesing Wolverine
Hand ata
Red Lantern Ring
Green Lantern Battery
Green Lantern Wall
Green Lantern Decoy
White Lantern Nurse
Why do I have what I have and what does it do? It's simple. Because a lot of heroclix players nine times out of ten are clones. Range rules the meta and Hand ata screws that so bad. Wolverine gives you access to the Hand ATA. Cosmic Boy welcomes the sum of all fears into the Legion. I now have +4 to map. According to heroclix math I have a high chance of picking map. Guess what I did every time but once. Phantom Girl shuts down all of your resource based jank. When she finishes your movement then her attack goes off. This means if played right she can always be based to Wolverine and Cosmic Boy using Wolverines "My Kind of Hydra" to lower your opponents defense by 2. This means that functionally the average defense is 16-18 for a melee attack.
Cosmic Boy is the sneaky part of this team. He gives leadership and perplex. Everyone forgets that he gets toughness when in hindering. That played out several times. Add in tk and the fact that most people think that I'm playing standard Cosmic Boy he is awesome to mess with peoples head.
Wolverine goes full rage mode with Parallax and ups his attack or damage. Wolverine with Parallax giving impervious, having the decoy and super senses equals a whole lot of not getting hit. Because Wolverine is the highest point character all those Bill Agent of A.I.M. players had a heck of time trying to kill Wolverine. Full move charge and stealth top dial he is tough to track down. He puts out the damage. If you have to use blades then a lot of bad stuff has happened.
The Wall is mandatory. The main reason is that it gives you blocking terrain that place every turn to protect your team. Also the Hand Ta triggers off it.
Last but not least is the core member of the team.... the Ranx map. Yes I said it. That map shuts down about 80 percent of teams I faced. You can't destroy all the blocking terrain fast enough for it to actually matter. Even if you do I can put up free 2 squares of blocking terrain. With Ranx I can setup and approach. I also can block off Golden Falcon on the map. Guess what Iron Pharaoh is shut down.
There is a tiny bit more... BUT I'M KEEPING IT UNDER MY HAT FOR NOW!!!!!
Thanks for reading,