I ended up working really late today. Later then normal. Today we are going to look at the pro's and con's of hyper agressive teams.
The pro's of hyper agressive teams is that you can apply massive bursts of damage. Alpha strikes ruled the game for a long time because burst damage could end the game in a matter of minutes. Getting the opposing major attackers off the map in one or two turns can be a big acomplishment and be the only major action of a game. Hyper offense lets you deploy fast and hit hard.
The cons are simple. If you fail to deliever damage once you are behind. If you fail to deliver twice the game is over. Hyper agression has nothing hidden from view. Your opponent will see you coming.
I know that this is simple but it is something many players don't actually think about when they set up their teams.
Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos
I have played hyper aggressive team for as long as I have played heroclix. I am now (thanks in no small part to your show) starting to plan out my games more, and adding some strategy to my play. For the longest time I would simply let the dice decide. Throw out my figs throw some dice, and chance would determine who would win. I have recently taken a different approach, and it has added layers of fun to the heroclix game.