I had a good weekend. The Super Bowl was interesting. A certain half time performer may have drained to much energy and took the power with her. Oh well.
Today we are going to look at support figures. In short we are going to look at why you want certain support powers for certain jobs.
You want outwit to negate certain powers that are causing you problems. Not only that you want outwit to be in the back or in stealth. Without some way to not be outwitted back you will have some problems using outwit.
You want your perplexer to be in a position to modify the stats of the focal figure of the game. That doesn't just mean your pieces. Usually perplexers should be slightly behind your main attackers but further up then your outwitter.
Support mainly is there for rally purposes. You can uses what I call forward placement support in which you are trying to negate damage by healing in the middle of a war-zone. This is very very risky. I would only recommend it if your opponent is shooting from a fortified position and is not moving. Most of the time your support piece is in the back.
Probability Control
Prob is weird. Your prob placement is going to be based on the major hot spot of the battle. You can try to shield your prob but in all honesty you have to put your prob in a position of some risk if you plan to mess with your opponents rolls.
I'm not going to get into TK right now because it's roll in the game is changing a lot due to improved movement, vehicles, and high move values.
Hope you enjoyed the read,
Edward Shelton AKA Darklogos
Thanks for the post on this!