Thursday, February 27, 2014

Darklogos Short list of must buys from SLOSH

Hey all,

             Happy SLOSH day. Here are the figures I think you should pick up. I will put them in 2 categories. The first is buy it now. The second is get it when you can afford it.

1. Buy it now.
Cosmic Boy
Saturn Girl
Lydea Mallor
White Witch
Black Witch
High Father
Superman Action Figure for toyman
Phantom Girl

2. Get it when you can.
Mon-el Prime
Cheetah prime

This shaping up to be a very strong set! New show coming Friday. Still editing. Bare with though.
If you are not a day 1 buyer I would no matter what keep your eye on Lydea Mallor. Read the last blog post on why. I got mine for 29 dollars. That is really cheap. People don't understand her yet.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The growing darkness!!!!!!!!!!

Hey all,

            I had this typed up on my phone but low and behold it was all deleted not once but twice. Happy SLOSH day. I hope your pulls are great and you get what you want. There is a lot of great stuff in the set. With that being said there is some really broken things in the set. The biggest to highlight is Lydea Mallor. The main issue is this trait and Lydea Mallor's 79pts.

THE GROWING DARKNESS: At the beginning of the game for all friendly characters with this trait, you may remove one attached game element from an opponent's resource and, if it is a relic, assign it to a character with this trait. At the beginning of your turn, roll 2d6 for all friendly characters with this trait. If the result is lower than the sum total of all of these characters' click numbers, then modify all opposing characters' combat values by -1 until your next turn.

Yes Virginia you can screw over resource players. This crosses a line of abusive. It  would be fine if it said that the trait would shut down resources within range or even on a roll of 4-6 a resource doesn't work. But to be able to take resource elements away from one force and to put it on another force for very little cost in 300pts is really bad. I mean really really really bad. How can Wizkids justify big resource events if this figure for the next two years can ruin a team construction.

This also proves the concept of having relics and resource dials as separate and mutually exclusive concept is not game breaking from Wizkids perspective.  I think this is a bad play because how can you justify resource play if one cheap figure can easily disassemble workings of the resource just by being on the field. Phantom Girl is balanced because she has to get in range and move through the character(s) with the resource.  Lydea Mallor doesn't need any of that at all.

I really want to know how this shapes out rules wise. There is a lot to be sorted out.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

Monday, February 3, 2014

The spiked turtle shell

Hey all,

             I'm doing post production right now for the next episode of the show. i I was thinking about a flexible defense. I foresee a defense that is able to force your opponent to attack your defensive position and hurt themselves. I think this maybe possible with the impact beam ring and barrier. If we are able to take pushing damage for destroying our barrier or even mystics we are developing a spiked turtle shell. I know a lot of people think that turtling or super defensive thinking is bad. But I do think there are levels of shennanigin combined with defense that might shake things up a bit. 

          The big thing is that we are moving to a more defensive minded meta with lots of after taste of hyper light speed aggro. So in this transition there is a lot of things defensively that is slipping by peoples notice.

Just food for thought.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos