Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Not feeling well


       I won't tell you the details because they are bit gross. I had to go to the hospital today. That is why there was no blog post earlier. I'm a bit tired. But here is my insight or pondering of this present moment.

What does the meta need? I know there is a lot of things we want to see. But what does the meta need? I'm taking that approach right now. I think it is a open place to think. The biggest thing I think it needs is a means of punishing free actions. We see the beginning of that with the Trinity of Sin. Can the the idea be taken further? If so what would be its most beneficial end? That is where my mind wanders right now.

I saw Man of Steel. I had a good time with my uncle. The movie opened up some thoughts that just made me take a step back. I can see why some of the heroclix are designed the way they are but over all I think we have some major stretches just to create figures.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

Monday, June 24, 2013

X-Men Blue team: Liking it but not quite afraid of it.


       I saw the preview for the X-men Blue team and I will point out some things I felt were noticeable. First off we don't see killer stats and combos unless they are on their 600 point version. Next we see them come in at 165 and 265 to start. So this means we could see another Villains for Hire like team base come into the meta.  Lastly we do not see double stacking of asset dial effects until late dial. This is the biggest nerf or balance element to the base I feel. Having several combos on the base would make them something that could go toe to toe with the JLTB and possible win. But only having one option makes them a lot weaker. With that being said being able to regen with Wolverine is pretty strong. Sadly they have an ability that throws Wolverine off the base thus devaluing him a bit.

Overall I like what I see. I think we will be paying top dollar for this base. I also think that having most of these figures on solo adventure might be quite interesting. What are your thoughts?

Didn't see WWZ on Friday. Going to see Superman in about an hour with my Uncle.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Stating the Obvious

Played against a 600pt JL TB. Not fun to play against whatsoever. That is all.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Full of openings...

Hey all,

                I will try to get a show up today. I just need to get the post production done. So happy friday to everyone with that. Also I will have another show soon after that. Maybe it will hit on monday or tuesday?

               My goal this weekend is to continue the trend of playing figures I haven't played yet but spent tons of money on getting. As of right now the star of this evening is War Machine from IM3 set. He will be teamed up with Brother Voodoo, eethel vine, and maybe a black lantern. I call this team Circuits and Sorcery. I got a 600 pt game this saturday. I don't know what I will play for that yet.

            I also plan to see World War Z today. I hope it doesn't suck. Haven't seen Superman yet.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm not dead...really


             Sorry for no posts. I was looking at the origin results and thinking about options in my head. I like the Ghost Rider team but now that it is out of the bag it pretty much means that a JLTB player has another match up to prepare for. We are back to perfect cell syndrome. I will also say that without the new ATAs and the UB we would be in a darker place of fighting the JLTB.

Another reason I haven't put anything out was that there was a thread about Team bases and mind control that I thought would settle some things. In the end it only made things more complicated and jaded. To make solo adventure characters replacements and to have a venue agreed limit on replacement characters is dumb. So a venue has to say how many replacement characters are going to be allowed. I was making a lot of decisions based on the implications of solo adventure characters being replacements. I don't mind being wrong but I don't want to put out stuff that I even thing is questionable.

Without the new ATA's were would we be?

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos

p.s bonus content coming soon. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

What would you do?

Hey all,

            Check out this link.

It is a lot of things to think about. It leads me to today's blog thoughts. If you had the tech to beat Justice League and Uatu at 300 would you tell everyone, save it to win at Gencon, or keep it under wraps and let Justice League run its havoc in hopes of Justice League or team dials getting nerfed?

What would be the best course of action?

Thanks for reading,
Edward Shelton

Friday, June 7, 2013

Pizza clix the next frontier


        I'm ot and about. I have ordered pizza and am thinking how to turn pizza hut pizza into a game. The game is a tactical placement of pizza and mouth balance game. Right now this is a one player game but it seems mouth has a distinct advantage.

On a heroclix related issue let's talk about talk about money.
What is your plan for Fear Itself? I'm thinking of taping out of it and go on ebay when it is all over.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A real starter kit


       I had a good pm sent to me the other day.

Anyway, to try and take your mind off killing the Justice League, I was wondering if you could talk about some common/Uncommon/Rare figures that you would give to someone whose just starting out? I'm trying to make 2 300 point modern teams to use as a Demo of sorts and any input would be appreciated. Thanks again and keep up the great work.


I thought this was a good topic for a blog post. I'm going to post the list and if anyone has any questions on certain figures I can do some follow up on some other blog posts.

Supes Set
Brainiac 5
Silver Banshee
Cyborg Supes

Bruce Banner
A.I.M Agent
A.I.M Renegade
Black Tranctula
Rick Jones
Amedeus Cho

Nova Prime
Mole Man
Dr. Strange
Astral Dr. Strange

Donald Blake
Tony Stark
Wasp female
Victoria Hand

Firestorm B

Green Goblin
E Storm
E Thor


Common Batman
Hired Henchman
Arkaham Guard
Alfred Pennyworth

Dr. Voodoo
Spiderman A,C
Johnny Blaze
Jenifer Kayle
The Ancient One

Tony Stark
MK 7
mk 42
Pepper Pots
Extermis Brute

Red Star
Green Lantern

All these figures are low rarity and at the highest rares. No SR's or chases. I think this will help a lot of players out with a cheap way to start to get figures that are playable. Just give players this list as a starting point and work from there. Trust me I don't think everyone should own every figure in this list and there is some overlap in roles and effects. That is on purpose so you can pick or drop the figures that fit your play style.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Yes I am that guy...

Hey all,

             I had a lot of fun this weekend. I learned some cool stuff about Fear Itself. The set within itself is very balanced. Lots of melee. Lots of face pounding. The sad thing is when you start combining in other elements outside of the set that it becomes unfun. That is a big bummer that I have experienced. I played two worthy figures and had a blast. I knew that I would never play those figures again unless there were a special scenario. In the end I think this whole affair is a mixed bag.

          I sold some figures on ebay since I was able to buy 3 boosters of Fear Itself. So far my weekend will be paid for in two weeks.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos