Monday, June 24, 2013

X-Men Blue team: Liking it but not quite afraid of it.


       I saw the preview for the X-men Blue team and I will point out some things I felt were noticeable. First off we don't see killer stats and combos unless they are on their 600 point version. Next we see them come in at 165 and 265 to start. So this means we could see another Villains for Hire like team base come into the meta.  Lastly we do not see double stacking of asset dial effects until late dial. This is the biggest nerf or balance element to the base I feel. Having several combos on the base would make them something that could go toe to toe with the JLTB and possible win. But only having one option makes them a lot weaker. With that being said being able to regen with Wolverine is pretty strong. Sadly they have an ability that throws Wolverine off the base thus devaluing him a bit.

Overall I like what I see. I think we will be paying top dollar for this base. I also think that having most of these figures on solo adventure might be quite interesting. What are your thoughts?

Didn't see WWZ on Friday. Going to see Superman in about an hour with my Uncle.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

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