Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Torney mind


       It's been a long time since the last post. I think the part to focus on today is how to prep for a big tourney.

1. Get sleep.

The red eye the day before sounds nice, but doesn't work. Overall it cost you more mentally then it is worth. Get there the night before at latest. Get 6-8 hours sleep. You will have a full day.

2. Make sure you have everything.

Line up all your figures before you leave. Don't assume anything. Trust me I saw guys in Tulsa sweat bullets because he left a Splitlip card. Let that not be you.

3. Get a timer and list of events.

I got a lost because I failed to return from lunch in the right time. That was bad on my part. Don't let that be you.

4. Rest between rounds.

The mind gets tired fast. I know. Take breaks between rounds. If you don't the stress will compact.

That's it.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos