Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I wrote something!

Hey all,

             I'm going to be looking at flexible warfare. Between morph, split, merge, and promotion your starting force can be completely different by the end of the game. This means we have to think more organic then before. Having the best stats and no flexibility may be worse then ok stats and total control of tempo.

            I can't see it all clearly right now but the clouds are passing away.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos

Friday, November 8, 2013

New Meta Rising: Scene 1 take 1.

Hey all,

             Is the blog officially back? Maybe not. I did have some thoughts that I wanted to post for you all to read and think about. The first of which is that we are seeing some complex reactions to all the new changes. The strongest reaction is to how team bases and spiral work. I think that those feelings wont go away just do to the fact that they were high priced items. The next thing that we are seeing is that the 3 man team is still the most stable format in 300pts for team building. It just seems now that all figures must be offensive in some for or fashion. The last big issue that we are seeing is the shut down of hyper abusive theme team map bonuses. This makes having a 3 or 4 figure theme team actually worth while and if you put more than that many figures on your theme team you run a risk of some sort.

That is it for now. Just wanted to give you all some content while the new episode is uploading.

Have a great day,
Edward Shelton