Wednesday, July 31, 2013

lol Forgot the post


         I was good and on time for two posts then I break down. I had a job test today and it didn't do that well. Onwards and upwards.

        I looked at the gravity feed for the WXM. I got to say my only endorsement  comes to Jean Grey and Lady Deathstrike. That Jean Grey is awesome. She will be a great x-men psyblaster. I really think that Jean Grey can be a meta-buster. Lady Deathstrike can do a ton of damage. She can do that 1 penetrating damage if she rolls low on bcf.

       I don't think the GF is a mass buy. I do think that these two figures are worth picking up.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos

Monday, July 29, 2013

They didn't quite pull the sword

Hey all,

            I just checked the Excalibur preview. I have to say that I think it is ok. I don't think they really have something magical here. The frustrating thing is that the dial is not really that bad I just think that it doesn't scale with other team basis not just the Justice League. I think that the overall offense and utility it provides is interesting. The only thing that is of note to me is the Captain Britain asset power. Other then that it seems like a pass right now.

Sorry for the short post. I got to get that new show up soon.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos

Friday, July 26, 2013

It's Friday and I'm on time!


           It's Friday and I have a blog for you! Today we are going to look at TWO figures from Supernova. The first figure is V Hyperion and the second is R Silver Surfer. These two were strong meta contenders for a long time. I hope to show you why they are still great characters to play. The best part is that you should be able to get them for cheap if you can find them.

V Hyperion is a monster. He is a straight up HSS brick. He starts with an 11 attack and 5 damage. His click 3 he goes int charge mode with a 12 attack. The whole time he is rocking super strength. until his last 3 clix. He has cce, rce, and force blast to mix things up. With the range reductions that we have been seeing lately his 10 range is awesome. His stats defensively are average. You can add in a 10-14 pt utility belt and bam he is a super meta monster.

Next up is R Silver Surfer. This has been one of the strongest Silver Surfers in the history of the game. He comes in at a cheap at 121 pts. He has 9 clix of life. The big deal is that you couldn't get a better deal in the meta now. He has a lot of damage reduction to add on top of that. Starting running shot with a 10 attack and 3 damage is not that scary anymore. I would say he is a great secondary attacker for 400-600 pt games. Combine him with Gizmo you get to pick EE and your opponent will cry.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stuffffffffffffffff and more Stufffffffffffffffffffffffff


           Hope everyone is doing well. I'm late on the blog post I know. I'm trying hard to be better at it. I had a job interview today. Always ask how people are paid before you spend gas to go to a job interview. Gas is not cheap. I wasted an hour and a couple of gallons on gas.

          Anyway I playing Trine 2 and FTL. Got to love Steam summer sale. Trine 2 looks awesome on my cpu. I didn't play Trine so I'm learning a lot. FTL is just pure tactical game play at some of its best.

            I saw the M preview and I'm not super impressed quite yet with WXM. I hate to say it like this, but without a team base killer figure we are looking at a "just okay" set so far.

That is it,

Edward "The Sleepy One" Shelton

Monday, July 22, 2013

To be a better player and teacher.

Hey all,

              I'm here reading a book reflecting on some lessons learned in the last 72 hours. My reflections are a bit odd but bear with me.

  I was confronted by one of my friends that I start my thinking from a possison of failure. I expect the worse then start my planning. This is truer then I would like to admit.  I have had so many losses that I bank my life and existence on the ability to rally and plan my way to victory. This comment made me reflect on the show. Do I present the same mindset in the show? I realized that I do greatly. Some would say it is a position of fear. I can see that to an extent. What I don't want to do is lead you the reader/listener down the path of fear, anxiety or parnoia.

The second thought came from readin C.S Lewis the Four Loves. Lewis tells a story of Dr. Quartz. Dr. Quartz was loved by his students. He would have dinner with his current and former students. Everyone thought he was a hero. Dr. Quartz would cut off fellowship with his students when they did not agree with his conclusions anymore. Dr. Quartz had trained his students to think but he rejected the product he helped to mold. Dr. Quartz was caught up being right.  That is what I have had to fight time to time doing this show. Pride creeps in so easily and it becomes easy to dicount tech or experiences of others. It is easy to think to highly of past correct perdictions. It is easy to put down things that you just don't like. These are some things I've been faced to process.

That is it. New show going up soon.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos sent from phone.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Hey all,

            I had a good day playing clix this weekend. I played 1200 GOLDEN AGE pt game where you could only play 6 figures, no resource dials, no feats, and no team bases. My team is as follows.

Hawkeye 135
Kuurth 199
Graviton 178
Sentry and Void 300
Dr. Voodoo 134
Magneto 189
Eye of Agamato 12
Gold K 10
Bat Signal 2
Thunderbolts 16

First things first. I wanted to play Kuurth, Hawkeye,and Sentry and Void. I hadn't played either of those figures in a constructed game. Dr. Voodoo is my boy for big point games. Graviton is a classic. The game was tough I fought an army of Iron Man armors. Kuurth was the one who cracked a lot of heads. He softened up a few targets before he died. He died so hard. He took a lot of psychic blast damage before he died. Hawkeye was incaping and miss a good chunk of his shots. Lots of positioning but in the end the Iron Man armors did not prevail. Crit misses by my opponent helped me a lot.

Over all it was a fun game. I know Kuurth is not my type of figures. I think that I need to have less restrictions to play Kuurth in the future. I was going to use General Zod or Tester. But I had to take my own advice and not over commit to putting tokens on opposing figures. Not my best team but I think it was worth the time spent.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sorry for the lack of updates

Hey all,

               I'm real with you all. The truth of the mater is that most of the people I've talk tech with have dried up with ideas. Either JLTB or Ghost Rider dominate their minds. There is a huge lack of creative options on the board right now for most high level players. What this means is getting ideas becomes harder. Also it means that people aren't trying to crack the norm or at least not make it public. So this mean that my content on the blog will be a bit lean. Add in Gencon coming up in a couple of weeks there is very little new public information out there.

        I've been job hunting hard. I'm at the point where I recognize I will have to relocate far from Kansas , Oklahoma and Missouri comfort zone I've been in.  That is freaking me out. I'm also dealing with a lot of lack of skills. You can see where you want to end up and then falling short. Then there are opportunities that I would feel like a fraud if I got the job. So there is a lot of internal stuff going on in my head right now.

 Last but not least League Of Legends grabbed my brain. Also FTL. Steam is robbing me legally. Next show is recorded and is in post production.

Check you later,

Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pass the rim


       In Pacific Rim right now. The movie has started! Will update later.


Update: enjoyed the movie for what it is. Worth seeing for action not the plot.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The darkness!

Hey all,

             My power went out. Don't know when it will be back on. I was playing Walking Dead 400 days. Then pew my power went out. If your power went out which sper hero would you want around and why?

Happy I have a smart phone!

Check u later

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cry for Havok

Hey all,

             I hope everyone saw the new Havok. I looked at him and wish he was cheaper or had 2 targets. I find it funny that they are trying to put the new and changed powers front and center in this set. I think that you can see that this is the first set they actually thought about the new rules. After looking at X-man I don't think they have the hang of it yet. So I will make this bet. Most of the figures in 6 months after release of this set will outclass WXM leaps and bounds. This is them getting their feet wet.

New show up. Hope you all enjoy it.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton

Monday, July 8, 2013

New Mutants and more

Hey all,

            I saw the New Mutants preview. I like and don't like a lot of things. I don't like the fact that the asset dial only gives you 1 character to start. This would be a plus if it wasn't for the fact that the D.C team bases mostly have 2 asset dial options the entire time. The second thing that is a bit frustrating is that they are pretty much a glass cannon. They will get hurt hard and fast against most teams.

The  biggest positive is that E/V dials are super strong and really take advantage of the team dial mechanic. At the point values they are at they can not be one shoted by another team base. The figures they pop off would be really hard to tackle. Not only that you still have more then enough points to create some very strong meta combos. We still have other team dials to look at. I feel that this will be a silent meta piece like Gen 13 is. Not many people know how strong they are until it is too late.

I'm not fully feeling where Wizkids is going in WXM. I think they need to address some core problems out there so they could get back some consumer confidence from me.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The piles of plastic crapola!


        Played Fear Itself today. Bought 6 boosters. Didn't get much worth righting home about. I will be listing most of my stuff on ebay soon to recoup losses. I have enough Thule priest to start a cult.

Check you all later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4TH, thoughts and Corrections

Hey all,

           By the time you read this the new episode should be up. So enjoy episode 68 while you watch people put food in their mouth.

I was wrong on how Longshot powers work. You still have to hit. It was a bit confusing with the wording.

I got my second FI coming Saturday. I hope I pull Angrir, Colossus or  Juggs. 

I'm still trying to get a bunch of things laid out for the next show. I want to try to get some more guests on.

To all you fans outside of the U.S. big up to you all and it means a lot to me for you all to watch my show and read the blog.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's a longshot of you not getting yelled at.


            Not feeling to well. Had a nap and threw off my plans for the day. Still job hunting. Stomach hurts just a tad. But onward and upward to the topic at hand. Longshot.

The new Longshot is funny. We are in the world of the absurd now. Wizkids makes us teams so we don't have to design teams. Now they give us a figure so we don't have to roll dice. They try to balance this by giving him low damage. As well all know that can be fixed really quickly with the Utility belt or any other methods. His range is ok. The goal was to make his range low. But in all honesty it is rather ok in the new meta. Gizmo makes this guy way to broke.

One thing I don't think they thought about is the fact you will always be knocking back your opponent. This forces Longshot to always move in close. He is rather fragile. This will be bad in a post-Fear Itself and TT meta we are in now. Will WXM change how the game is played? I don't think so...right now. But I do see this set as a transitional set. They are depowering while experimenting. This can be really bad or really good. Ignoring the JLTB for a moment. Wizkids has presented some really broken concepts into the game recent.y I think we are beyond the point of throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. We are seeing what happens when we know what sticks and decide to mix poo and honey with the mixture and ask people to hang around. They know that figures that break the rules or normal conventions sell. But at the same time breaking those rules either prove that they where there for a reason or that they are pointless. Longshot takes dice throwing away from a dice throwing game. That is functionally dumb. Next up we will have a figure that will ignore the rule of 3.

Maybe I'm just sleepy and a little grumpy. Who knows. I got a show done. I need to post it soon. I'm a bit behind on a bunch of real life stuff. I will give you a guess about the new show. I have a special guest on who I talk about a lot and also appeared on the show only once.

Thanks for reading,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos.................................................................................

P.S. I don't know why I put the periods there other then I felt like it.