Monday, December 3, 2012

The Insider


          I got this pm from hcrealms so I decided to answer it here. 

Really enjoyed the bell curve analogy. As I have been learning I have been thinking about character playability in point range but you really took it from abstract and congealed it into something I can better use.

I know you said you were willing to analyze units if we asked. I just pulled the insider. As I have been testing him I have found him to be a great taxi and secondary attacker plus the outwit and range are handy. Early on I have him move around alfred to heal my primary attacker and gain better control of the map. Then as time goes on I switch to picking off peoples support but I find myself wondering what a more experienced player like you would do. I was thinking he might be a good candidate for the bat belt seeing as he has the ability to move for free. He could use the +2 to move and base weaker units then attack next turn with +2 before having to spin the dial.

Thanks again for your input and insight`

 Well first of all grats on pulling a chase. The biggest issue with the insider is his trait is rather weak. He can keep phasing every turn as a  long as he doesn't get an action token. That is the only thing that can be abused. But you are paying a really high cost to get that. The first thing I would say is not to play him in 300 or 400 pts. He is to much of a target in those games. You want him to be in a big point game where he is not as much of a threat.

There are two figures that I think go with him really well that let you do a lot with him. The first is Wonder Woman from the Justice League Fast Forces. The second figure is Beta Ray Bill from the Annihilators Fast Forces. Wonder Woman has the ability to do do a power action after being carried. This means Insider can carry her, put himself in a good position for a follow up attack next turn, and let Wonder Woman do her thing. This works best if you are able to keep the pressure on another part of the board.  When you look at Beta Ray Bill he allows Insider to stay alive from range attacks and outwit. Also the Insider is a great taxi to get other stealth pieces in position to protect Beta Ray Bill or other key pieces on the board.

Sadly the Insiders stats are nothing to write home about. He can do a lot of cool things but just not in a way that gives you a lot of options you can control. You are banking your game on clicks two and three. Most of his cost is in that phasing trait. The best thing I can tell you is keep him if you want him but trade him for other figures you might need in the collection. You could in all honesty trade him for most of the rares in the set. If you want to keep him I understand a 100% . Chases make your collection feel special. Even more so when you pull them.

That's it everyone. I will be recording a new episode soon. I will also be thinking about advice for the training series.

Thanks for reading,
Edward Shelton Aka Darklogos

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