Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I'm stuffed.


           Today's blog post is inspired by Big Will Holland. The implication of the Spiderman and Teen Titan sets is major in several areas.

1. Mole Men Assemble

         With Spiderman set having confirmed monsters in the set it means mole man will have many options to control. Dracula attacking twice in the same turn maybe really strong.

2. Teen Titans may mean more teen keyword

        A lot of general keywords have been undergoing a slow death. Teen is a fallen giant of the past. Teen Titan has the chance to bring life into the fallen. If the team dials have teen keyword then it's on.

3.  The pace has not slowed down for releases.

       This year has taught us that Wizkids can crank out major product releases at a rapid rate.  I think that is not a good thing. But we will have something the first two months of next year.

4. Fools rush in.

       With the flood of product it is best just to wait for prices to drop. I will not buy blind next year because the secondary market prices are way to cheap.

That's it,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

1 comment:

  1. Secondary Market....I agree with the prices as of late being much cheaper to just buy the pieces online.....but what happens when a set hits and it is like GSX...or DC75 then you won’t be able to find the product anywhere, and it will be super expensive when you do find it...I buy blind cases now (usually only 1 per set) as more of an insurance policy if the set is super popular...Is there a way to know ahead of time if a certain set will be super popular or not? A second example of this was the Chaos War fast forces...I didn’t have money the week it came out, but didn't think anything of it...After all the shop is filled with old fast forces from hulk, x-men, superman, and I figured I would pick it up next week. That didn't happen, and now it is near impossible for me to get one, and I am not willing to pay 60 bucks for it...So while I agree it is sometimes cheaper and even easier to take the gambling aspect out of it and buy everything you need online, I believe that sometime it can be more of a gamble then the initial investment of buying blind. Your thoughts??
