Thursday, December 27, 2012



          Today we are going to be looking at Omac from SOG. The main reason we are looking at him is due to the fact that he can fuel our evil robot army. We are going to focus on strengths,weaknesses, and good figures to pair with him.

          The first thing to remember with OMAC is that since he is a robot and doesn't have any other good keywords. Warrior is ok but he doesn't really gain anything right now in the meta by it. The next thing to consider is that he has a lot of clicks of life with damage reduction. All of his clicks past his starting click are very useful. He has 4 clicks of charge with super strength on one of the charge clix. End dial phasing and regen combo is nice as well. The 8 range is nice but you have to consider most of the targets in the meta now are stealth.

        The biggest weakness of the piece is that he has only one good keyword. I thought he was on some sort of team. I could be wrong. Not having a good keyword other then robot means he will not be seen that much in normal play. Omac doesn't quite have the numbers to be considered for a normal min-max team. The next thing that is a bit bad is that his attack caps out at 10. While it is a stable attack value one click of 11 would be nice.

      The best figures to team Omac with is Manhunter Grandmaster. Being able to take that square move for free is awesome. The next figure that gives Omac some love is Avengers Movie set Tony Stark. He can perplex up his attack and give Omac that +1 defense when adjacent that really helps him survive. Last but not least we can not forget the Toysrus Sentinels. They can carry Omac and go off when Omac lands an attack.

    Omac is a fun piece that can be moderately considered for a modern age robot team. Sadly there is not much else he can do right now.

    Check out the latest episodes of the training series. Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos


1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention OMAC's most powerful attribute.....The HAIR
