Thursday, December 6, 2012

Lets look at Magog. Sponsered by Alex Avilla!


            The title is a bit of a joke but today's blog post is brought to by the great mind of Alex Avilla. Another gem from our conversations was the idea of Magog still being viable in the meta. Yeah the long forgotten beast from Supes Set. He has a great opening click. Now his defense is a bit low but that won't matter. By giving Magog the utility belt you can do a double power action so you can go to flurry and +2 stats. You now have a 14 attack 19 defense and 6 damage charge flurry and the ability to do another attack because you for sure are going to kill a figure. You have exploit weakness so damage reduction means very little. And just for fun you can pick up an object for pure insult to injury.

        While this killer combo is super strong it does  break some common analysis in the meta right now. You spend over 150 points for Magog. Then you add in the cost of the Utility Belt. You will need tk or some cool taxi. It will be tough in 300 pts. But it doesn't mean it is impossible. The offensive power of your major strike is surpasses the two main attacker meta we are in now.  Doing 24 damage is well, pretty strong. Yes I said 24 damage because it assumes you will be able to charge and flurry twice in a row.

       How do we react to this. We can assume that this will allow for some change ups in the meta. At the other hand it will a highly risky play. Since you only have a 19 defense instead of the common 20 or 21 that one can easily get in the meta now. The Utility Belt gives aggro based teams a great advantage to actually come and put pressure on. This may be the solution melee figures have really needed and this is the first drop into the bucket of a new melee powered or melee considered meta. We have been ruled by range for far to long. Time for us to think of something new. Beware of the "turn 3" death demon.

Long live melee,
Edward Shelton aka Darklogos

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