Monday, February 11, 2013

Spider-Man pairings v4


        I'm working on some tech right before you on Spide-Man. So I wanted you to see my thinking as I work out some tech. I'm not guarantying  that this is the best way sort out meta. I'm just showing you some raw thinking process.

Round 1 Starting Questions
How can Spider-Man morph work best?

To many Spider-Man's to use them all.
Is it best to pair off the Spider-Man's?
Can I also play AE'S? --> If yes how many Spider-Man's can I have?
What is the best starter option?
Do I need theme?
What bases am I trying to cover?
What holes does he fill the most?
What can I not cover?

Round 2 Thoughts small answers and observations

Support power every click in order
2. (1a, 1b,24,51,55,57)
3. (1c,24,51,55,56,57)
4. (1a,50,55,56,57)
5. (1a,51,52,55,57)

A lot less support options on click 6 than on any other click.
Click 2 and 3 gives the most options.

Only spider-man 1a, and 1b have an 18 defense on a click.

You can get 11 attack on all 6 clicks if you could access several different clicks.

Longest range options is 6. Most targets are 3.

Is support Spider-man worth it?
Can I do a perma 3 damage Spiderman-morph? Yes

I can keep one perma stat or have flexibility.

What is the best stat or effect to keep?

Progression in trait changing
Two clicks taken to Armor.
Frequency is the best middle ground if points are not the issue for easy flexibility and easiest to manipulate dial. 

Round 3

Stand out things.
Dusk to heal up.
#54 very one of the most offensive options
Ricochet can do some long range damge with barrier help.
1b is an offensive option.
1a is more support. 

Round 4 Clusters
Lets limit to 3 figures.
List starting morph and end morph

Ricochet>Dusk>Gf Spidey
Can attack at range then get in close with Dusk. Spidey can get within  4 range and then do an attack to lower attack values.

Support into more stealth support. Then you pick up some cool tricks with #55 with range 6 and 2 targets.

Is a devolve a better option. Go Armor down to ID
No damage taken. Keep Super Strength. Also a level of damage reduction in a lot of cases.

Dusk is great because of regen. It allows rebound.
Dusk comes up a lot.
Forced to not think about Dusk. Other tech?
#54 is easy to put in due to offense.

Round 5 Standout
#1a,#1b,Dusk, #54, Ricochet.

Every other piece might be the bridge or hole fillers for these figures. Continued role playing or diversity is in question.

Thanks for reading my thought process,
Edward Shelton


  1. So Smart Edward!!! I never thought of pairing Ricochet with a barrier piece. Don't know why I didn't think to do this, but it is why I love to read your posts. Thanks again

  2. The idea for Ricochet and barrier came from Josh aka Mega Lotusman. Everything else is just my thoughts on fleshing out the morph mechanic. I updated each stage I was at. This is where I'm stopping for now. I think the big issue I ran into is you can't really pair up spider-man's until you know what the rest of the team is.
