Monday, August 5, 2013

Brief post

Hey all,

             WXM is coming out soon. Are you excited? I'm not qute there. I think this the first set ever I'm going to pass on.

Check you later,
Edward Shelton aka darklogos


  1. How much is Spiral changing your mind?

  2. It hasn't sold me on the set. The piece is strong but the set is weak. It makes me more concerned about the game because she functionally made every other taxi and delivery method in the game crap.

  3. Well he isn't out yet. Just know he is in this set. Is there anything coming out for that does have you excited?

  4. Rule of thumb I've had is wait and see. I can go into how Bishop is going to be bad just due to Wizkids history dealing with him and characters like him. His existence just makes me wonder what he is going to be tied to.

  5. I am very excited for this set! I love the X-Men though, and would probably want the whole set just to have them. I try to see as little spoilers as possible so when I open up my set, I have stuff to look at, but from listening to the chatter, it does not look as though there is anything game breaking in the set.

    As for spirial, she should be the best transporter, it is what she does.

  6. Spiral lets you place to markers on that map that allow passage for friendly characters. so I place marker, ghost rider runs through it next to your character and kills it. It's game breaking just like JLTB, and h4h ata, more super alpha first strike goodness. But other then that trait, she is a really cool dial, if slightly under-costed when compared to a similar point character type like magik.

    Has the gold team base up, no stats for the characters yet. The team base sculpt looks incredible! But at 300 points it is almost as powerful as the JLTB, just the awuaman and cyborg but the JLTB puts it over the top.

  7. Surprised you are saying you might pass. This set doesn't seem weaker than TT.
