Monday, September 2, 2013

Recordings, food, and thinking


       How is everyone doing? I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day if you are State side. I recorded a show today. It will be up sometime this week. I figure you all would want a brief break from the show avalanche I just launched not to long ago. Now that the busy season of heroclix is over we go into the lull. I'm sort of glad and at the same time want to see a bit more con action.

     While eating some steak and ribs I realized how I'm stuck thinking about how to make an actual threatening Spiral team without using Ghost Rider. Right now the only thing that I can think of is Cersie and a Cop Car. That may be the key or not. I don't know right now.

Enyoy the rest of your weekend!

Check you all later,

1 comment:

  1. Spiral and KC Magog? Belt? Charge exploit, charge object flurry, then another free attack?, possibly charge and grab an object by the other starting area?
